About Aerial Salad
Band Members
Aerial Salad Is a punk band that formed in 2016, formed with the intent of playing The FEST Gainsville – which they some how pulled off while being teenagers! The band digitally released 2 E.P’s in the build-up to (and in order to actually get on) FEST, they also played somewhere between 5 and 8 gigs before the festival (the general consensus is FEST was the bands 9th gig.). They Played very very very badly down to pure ignorance to their lack of playing ability and professionalism, the band was a rag tag bunch of teenagers seeking purpose, they may have played the worst fest set of all time, and potentially never get asked to return to FEST, they did indeed find purpose.

Aerial Salad some how continued to be really young and stupid and stumble into another amazing opportunity in the form of Daddy Wonk offering to look after the young savages and help put out their album, Aerial Salad attribute any affection and perception of talent you may for them all to Wonk Unit for taking them on a 3 week tour and effectively a 4 year training course on how to actually be a band
Roach was released in November of 2017 and stole a place in the hearts and top ten lists of the UK punk scene
‘Roach stands tall against many more experienced bands and is up there with Iron Chic in terms of 2017’s quality releases. That’s a pretty mighty achievement’ – Shout louder zine
‘A remarkable debut, a memory regained on how Punk used to be’ – Liverpool sound and vision
The album helped Aerial Salad get on tours and bills with the likes of, Beach Slang, Wonk Unit, Rebellion Festival(x2), Manchester Punk Festival Wonk Fest(x2) and many many more.
They dipped their toes into the world of official spotify playlists too spending 9 months in ‘THE PUNK LIST’ alongside genre giants Slaves and Idles
Aerial Salad are a real band, Multiple DIY tours around Europe and the UK, Passion and dedication, you do not shit in the woods and accidentally nearly die 5 times for something you don’t love, great-full for all the opportunities they have been given and all the (in some cases literally) insane people they have met
The band is starting to begin its most exciting chapter.
Dirt Mall.
Aerial Salad have a weekly radio show which you can download at https://www.mixcloud.com/GloriousRepublicRadio/playlists/the-big-punk-show-with-mike-and-jamie/ where Jamie and Mike play their favourite punk songs and have a natter